Senior Executive

When it comes to hiring an executive, making informed selection decisions becomes more important than ever. Rightpeople’s executive tests are suitable for a wide range of professional industry groups.

Rightpeople provide three levels of executive assessment:

  • Middle management (with reports)
  • Middle management (non-reporting position)
  • Executive management

Our specifically designed range of executive assessments help provide answers to the following questions:

  • Is the candidate capable of handling both current and future job challenges?
  • In what conditions does the candidate perform to their greatest potential?
  • In what situations does the candidate not perform optimally?
  • What are the candidate’s values and do they align with those of the organisation?
  • Will the candidate fit with the existing culture?
  • What are the 2 or 3 most critical developmental needs of the candidate?
  • How do the candidate’s skills fit with those of the other senior executives or team members? Can skills that will never be a strength for the candidate be covered off by other team members?
Selected Candidate


Rightpeople consults with key decision-makers to obtain the relevant background information on the role and important strategic considerations.

A comprehensive test battery is developed that specifically aligns with the key competencies and essential requirements of the role.

A comprehensive report with both an executive and graphical summary is provided to the employer.

Feedback is provided to key decision-makers to clarify results and provide ideas for future direction where relevant.