Work Values & Drivers

Work values are personal preferences, beliefs and ideals with regard to work. They can be categorised into three types: intrinsic, extrinsic and social/relational. Intrinsic values involve internal principles (e.g. wanting a career that involves helping people); extrinsic values are based on criteria external to the individual (e.g. pay or working conditions) and social/relational values are about feelings or emotions (e.g. good working relationships) (Ros, Schwartz & Surkiss, 1999).

Work Values
Identifying Potential

It is important for an organisation to identify applicants’ values to ensure that they match organisational values and the job role. Alignment between personal and workplace values is a key requirement for job satisfaction and performance.

Some values are easy to identify, however others are more abstract and are not readily identifiable to employers, potential employers or individual themselves. That’s where workplace values testing comes in.

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RightPeople’s Work Values and Motivation Inventory (WVMI) is an ipsative style assessment that is based on extensive cross-cultural research from leading values experts and taps individuals’ underlying values including power, achievement and conformity that are significant motivators of behaviour. The WVMI can assist with job selection, career advancement and training decisions.

Importantly, personality assessment can supplement values assessment, but it cannot replace it. The two measure very different things! Personality refers to the sum total of ways in which an individual interacts with their environment and other people. It is described in terms of behavioural ‘traits’ such as extraversion (being outgoing and sociable) and conscientious (being organised and reliable). Values are more specific and based on beliefs rather than behaviour. Some values (e.g. need for security) don’t say much about a person’s personality and could apply to a range of personality types.