Employee Attitudes

RightPeople Surveyor is a brand for our business survey products.

The RightPeople Employee Attitude Surveys are research-based and developed using key constructs from the academic and practitioner literature used to generate and classify items:

  • Employee Commitment (Affective, Continuance and Normative)
  • Personal/Organisational values Fit
  • Job satisfaction (overall)
  • Job satisfaction (facetted): intrinsic, extrinsic; supervision, peers, etc.
  • Work related stress (overall)
  • Work related stress (sources)
  • Burnout
  • Job characteristics (workload, autonomy, role conflict, role clarity/ambiguity, task variety, etc)
  • Person-Job fit (re competencies, interests)
  • Leadership styles (senior management, and immediate supervisor)
  • Organisational climate/culture (bureaucratic, innovative, supportive, etc)
  • Organisational subculture(s)
  • Ethical climate
  • Diversity climate
  • Work-life balance climate
  • Trust in the organisation/management
  • Interpersonal trust (immediate supervisor and peers)
  • Perceptions of organizational support
  • Communication satisfaction
  • Opportunity for advancement/promotion
  • Opportunity for learning and skills development
  • Perceptions of fairness re remuneration(If applicable)
  • Teamwork perceptions (morale, leadership, performance norms, social loafing, etc)
  • Intention to leave

Importance of Employee Engagement

The term employee engagement may be new but the concept is not. If the word “morale” applies to a group’s enthusiasm to achieve major organisational objectives, the term “employee engagement” applies to an individual’s emotional and mental attachment to an organization. In a nutshell, employee engagement is a business term synonymous with worker engagement or work engagement.

Employee engagement relates to how efficient, dedicated and “engaged” an employee is to his work.

There has been numerous studies conducted in the last decade concerning employee engagement and all are conclusive that any organization or company should focus on having an engaged workforce in order to survive and succeed. An organization that has a large percentage of engaged employees will achieve greater success.

Employee engagement has everything to do with how well an employee is treated in the work place and the employee’s feelings about his work. Delving into the matter deeply, employee engagement deals mostly with the psychological aspect or emotions of an employee towards his boss and the work place. True, there will always be “disengaged” employees no matter how much the company strives to engage them but then there are those deeply “engaged” employees who can boost the organization to greater heights of achievement.

Why is employee engagement so important? There are three types of employees: engaged; not engaged and disengaged. The engaged employees are the builders of the company. They are genuinely interested and motivated to achieve the goals of the company. The “not engaged” employees will do their tasks at their capacity but are not willing to go the extra mile for the company’s sake. The disengaged employees are the unhappy ones who are full of negativity. They could bring great damage to an organisation. Employee engagement is important for an organisation to grow and succeed.

An organisation’s Human Resource (HR) department needs to closely monitor the level of engaged employees in its workplace. There are several advantages of having an engaged workforce and one of them is loyalty. An engaged employee would be willing to stay with a company and in the process be an advocate of what the company stands for. He/she will be highly motivated and innovative with the tasks given to them. Work will not be all about being compensated but it will be about doing what is best for the company. In doing so, engaged employees will develop an emotional bond to the company thereby making an impact towards their dealings with clients. This attitude helps improve customer satisfaction.

A decidedly engaged employee will work consistently beyond expectations. There will be fewer instances of resignations as the employees are happy in the workplace and have an increased trust in the company. The work environment will be teeming with highly-motivated employees thereby increasing productivity. The engaged employees will see to it that quality work is done in an effective and efficient manner.

Profitability is ensured once there is a pool of engaged employees. The company’s ability to make a profit will get a boost because the engaged employees will not only see to it that they deliver quality work but will also be aware of and take measures in saving energy, office supplies and other concerns that needed to be addressed for the betterment of the organisation.

People are your most important asset.