15 Jul 2018

When dividing attention between two tasks (Multitasking), people need to find the most efficient ways of allocating their attentional or processing resources between the tasks. It is reasonable to presume that people with higher levels of intelligence will be better able to allocate their processing resources efficiently. This was investigated in a study by Ben-Shakhar and Sheffer. Read ...

08 Apr 2013

Old Men Hire
Making the right decisions for your business An important consideration when recruiting older workers is to consider what their strengths and weaknesses are likely to be in terms of their cognitive abilities (thinking abilities or intelligence). By using the right mix of psychometric tests you can easily and quickly identify what type of work older workers are best suited for, and in ...

10 Dec 2012

Numerous authors have examined the relationship between speed of processing, working memory and age, and debated the role of these concepts in understanding individual differences in cognitive ability. There are arguments as to the relative contributions of both concepts, and most theorists tend to agree that slowing is the explanation for cognitive decline. Using tasks that draw on w...

03 Dec 2012

Over 2 million Australians, or 1 in 4 workers, are classified as casual workers.  A spokesperson from the ACTU described the trend in the increase in casual workers, or 'casualisation' of the workforce as "one of the dominant trends in the Australian workplace during the past decade". Much has been written about the casualisation of the workforce and there are many opinions on the ben...

19 Nov 2012

Success of Employees
Research has shown that while intelligence in its traditional form, including tasks assessing verbal, numerical, visuo-spatial, reasoning and working memory, is the best predictor of job performance, other skills are also important for managerial success. Sternberg's (1996; 1997) triarchic theory of intelligence proposes that intelligence is comprised of traditional analytic skills, p...

12 Nov 2012

A meta-analysis conducted in the United Kingdom (Bertua, Anderson & Salgado, 2005) has found that intelligence tests and tests of  specific cognitive abilities are strong, reliable and valid predictors of both job performance  and response to training.  Operational validities are in the range of .5-.6, meaning that these  cognitive tests can account for approximately 30% of the varia...

20 Jul 2012

As seen recently in a leading Australian Human Resources magazine, the importance of 'soft skills', including creativity, flexibility, diplomacy and original thought in the modern workplace is gaining momentum.  In an increasingly complex business environment these skills can help organisation's develop new and better solutions to problems, as traditional ways of interacting with clients...

11 Jul 2012

Skilled Job Seekers
What the research shows about Generation Y Many surveys and studies on Generation Y (individuals born between approximately 1980 and 1995, earlier or later in some definitions) indicate that, as a group, there are a number of characteristics they tend to display that employers should be aware of when hiring and managing these individuals. Specifically, research has shown that more ...

28 Mar 2012

Our last blog looked at psychometric tests and the difference between psychometric and skills tests. The main focus was on cognitive ability tests and specific skills sets.  An interesting question, therefore, is where does personality fit in? Personality tests Personality tests are psychometric tests. They are based on personality research and theories about how personality is ...

28 Mar 2012

Sales Performance
Psychometric tests and skills tests are often used in job selection. Both can be vital tools to help you find the best people for the job.  But what exactly are they, and what are the differences between these two types of tests? Psychometric tests are instruments that tell us about individual differences: such as personal characteristics or cognitive ability (intelligence), compared ...