Personality Assessment

01 Sep 2011

Assessment in Organisations – Current Status, Trends and Emerging Issues

Meta-analyses have revealed that the most valid predictors of job performance are ability measures (cognitive or intelligence tests) and personality assessments, particularly the “Big 5” personality traits, followed by structured job interviews. Together, ability tests and measures of conscientiousness or integrity provide an adjusted validity of 0.65 (Ones, Viswesveran, & Schmidt, 1993; Ones & Viswesveran, 1998). The combination of these measures also helps to reduce the impact of issues such as cultural differences in performance on ability tests and measurement error (Bartram, 2004).

In terms of ‘post-hire’ testing, research has shown that 360 degree feedback systems are one of the most popular and fast-growing types of assessments used in organisations. These systems have evolved as globalisation and the increased pace of change in organisations have resulted in a need for flexible measures of organisational performance that assess a range of competencies rather than specific job skills (Bartram, 2004).

Issues with aptitude testing currently being explored by researchers include:

  • dangers associated with the use and interpretation of tests by untrained people
  • the need to base assessment on theoretical models
  • the need for more cross-cultural research and research in countries other than the United States.

RightPeople can help!  We have a range of cognitive ability measures and use a personality assessment based on the “Big 5” model of personality. We also have a 360 degree feedback system that you can use with existing employees.  All our measures have been developed based on well researched and up-to-date theories and are interpreted by trained psychologists, who will provide you with an interpretative report to assist with hiring decisions, training programs or change management.

We can also provide guidance about what interview questions you can ask, based on the outcome of the assessments. We have a number of packages tailored to the needs of certain industries and the level of experience of your candidates, or we can tailor a package specifically for your organisation.

We are also involved in ongoing research in Australia and the Asia-Pacific that will help us to better understand the unique features and needs of these economies. This ensures that our tools are valid and applicable to our culture, and will help us to develop new measures to be used in the future.

Contact us to find out more.


Bartram, D. (2004). Assessment in organisations. Applied Psychology: An International  Review, 53(2), 237-259.

Ones, D.S., & Viswesveran, C. (1998). Gender, age and race differences in overt integrity tests: Results across four large-scale job applicant data sets. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83, 35–42.

Ones, D.S., Viswesveran, C., & Schmidt, F.L. (1993). Comprehensive meta-analysis of integrity test validities: Findings and implications for personnel selection and theories of job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 679–703.

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